For the entire production cycle, starting from the Active Pharmaceutic ingredients to the finished products, we ensure quality, efficacy and safety.
Our Quality System is managed by a dedicated Unit, structured in a Quality Assurance Unit and a Quality Control Unit, consisting of laboratories for physical and microbiological chemical controls.
electronic batch record
A highly computerized Quality Management System that guarantees the achievement of the quality objectives, increasing the degree of effectiveness and efficiency.
Our Certification
quality, environment and safety certifications
medical device certification
drug’s safety
We aim to continuously evaluate all the information related to the drug’s safety. We ensure for all the marketed drugs a favorable risk-benefit ratio.
For any report of an adverse event, please fill out the form below to send us your report.
drug’s safety
Pharmacovigilance is an essential phase in the development and use of a drug.
It aims to collect and evaluate, on an ongoing basis, information on drug response, including suspected adverse reactions.
Pharmacovigilance through continuous monitoring has the task of keeping under constant control the risk / benefit of drugs available on the market, making sure that the latter is always in favor of the patient’s health.
For reports of suspected adverse reactions, kind patients are invited to contact their doctor.
Communications must be made using a special form that can be downloaded from the website of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA)
Si invitano i signori Medici a seguire quanto previsto dall’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco:
Alternatively, the link is indicated through which it is possible to report, directly online, a suspected adverse reaction.
If you wish to contact the pharmacovigilance service of DAMOR FARMACEUTICI directly, you can contact:
Dr. Viola Di Marco
Download the information:
the medical device vigilance
It has the objective of collecting and evaluating, on an ongoing basis, information on the safety of the devices, including suspected adverse reactions.
If you wish to contact the medical device vigilance service of DAMOR FARMACEUTICI directly, you can contact:
Dr.ssa Gabriella Cannavale
Rules and guidelines
for the activity and the action of the collaborators
in view of the common goals.
Interactions with Health Care Professionals
YEAR 2023
No transfer of value in the pharmaceutical sector in the year 2023
Farmaceutici Damor Spa is the assignee of the Research Projects with the contribution of:
The Research Project nr: CdS00463_CUP C61B19000160008 of Farmaceutici Damor Spa focuses mainly on
“Development and testing of medical devices for the treatment of acute and chronic topical lesions”.
“Public funding disclosure requirements: State aids and De Minimis aids received by this company are published in the National Register of State Aids, pursuant to art. 52 of Law 234/2012, and can be consulted, by entering as search key in the field “FISCAL CODE” our fiscal code”.
Project “Expansion and modernization of the DAMOR plant” CUP B65H23004440007
The Investment Program financed with the resources PR Campania FESR 2021-2027, PR Campania FSE + 2021/2027, Complementary Operational Plan 2014-2020 (POC) and returns.
PMI FUND. D.G.R. n. 661/2022, n. 157/2023 and n. 98/2024 has as its objective the expansion and modernization of the existing production unit, the development of a new nanotechnology for production purposes and the implementation of a training plan for the qualification and growth of human resources skills.
The investment program is divided into three categories: A) productive investment, B) research and development project and C) training plan. As regards the production investment, the company intends to proceed with some masonry works to functionally optimize the production site and, subsequently, proceed with the purchase of machinery, systems and production equipment in order to generate an increase in production capacity, as well as the modernization of the production site. As regards the research and development project, a molecule with new nanotechnologies for production purposes will be developed. Finally, as regards the training plan, courses will be provided aimed at filling the gap found during the analysis of training needs in the topics of interest of the research and development project and the strengthening of the competitive positioning of the company in general, as well as commercial development on foreign markets.
This investment program will allow an increase in the degree of innovation of the company and the strengthening of the competitive advantage acquired in its reference sector, in which the “innovation” factor plays a strategic role for competition.